Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Meetings of activists planning to disrupt inauguration were infiltrated by conservative group

The Washington Post reports:
In the weeks leading up to President Trump’s inauguration, a small group of activists threatening to disrupt the event was trying to keep the details secret. D.C. police detectives were working hard to learn the plans and head them off.

What neither authorities nor the activists apparently realized was that conservative activist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas had already infiltrated key meetings of groups of suspected agitators.

A D.C. police spokesman has confirmed that a secret video recording made Dec. 18 by one of O’Keefe’s operatives led to the arrest of one man and foiled an alleged plot to spread acid at the DeploraBall for Trump supporters at the National Press Club. It was not clear whether the alleged plotters ever obtained the acid.
O'Keefe's work helped prevent violence.