In a significant milestone for transgender rights, California legislators on Thursday introduced a bill that would make the Golden State the first in the nation to create a third gender marker on its driver’s licenses, birth certificates and state IDs.Creepy California calls this progress!
The Gender Recognition Act of 2017 would add “non-binary” to male and female on official state documents and make it easier for transgender people to change them.
The proposed legislation is another example of California’s growing culture clash with the Republican-controlled Congress and many of the nation’s red states, which are embroiled in an emotional debate over gender politics.
Transgender and civil rights activists cheered the new bill, saying it could make a profound difference in the daily lives and safety of those who don’t identify as a man or women — or to the gender they were assigned at birth. They say the new designation could prevent transgender people from being ostracized at everything from traffic stops to supermarket checkouts to nightclubs.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Male, female, non-binary: California could add third gender marker to state IDs
The San Jose Mercury News reports: