The election of Donald Trump was a through-the-looking-glass moment in American politics.Imagine that.
As in, everything that we — the collective political horde — thought was conclusive about how you win an election (outspend your opponent, build a better organization, lead in polling, run more TV ads) was disproved in one fell swoop on Nov. 8.
Trump did everything wrong — by these traditional standards — and he won. And it wasn’t the first time. The traditional rules of the road would have meant that Trump never rose beyond the 1 percent of the vote with which he started the Republican primary-season fight. The idea that a candidate could bully and insult his way to the Republican nomination over 16 (largely) serious candidates was simply unthinkable. The “rules” said it couldn’t happen.
Trump, to his immense credit, understood that a) flouting the rules actually endeared him to a big swath of voters and b) there just might not be any real rules at all.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
The Establishment's Chris Cillizza: Trump has completely upended the political game. We need to adjust accordingly.
The Washington Post reports: