Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump's Revolution Is Over.

Gary North reports:
The honeymoon with his supporters did not last long, did it?

I began with two statements.

First, Donald Trump is not part of what is sometimes called "the conspiracy."

Second, he will be on January 20, 2017.

We are about to see the capture of Donald Trump. It has already begun.

The mainstream media are beginning to see this. By January 20, it should be clear to anybody who wants to look at his nominees for the top cabinet positions. CNN's headline has it right: Team Trump is already filled with Washington insiders.

We have already learned that the transition team has approached Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase. He was offered the position of Secretary of the Treasury. Anyone who thinks that this would be an improvement over the former CEO's from Goldman Sachs is living in a fantasy world.

The handwriting is on the wall. We can expect more of the same. We had better expect more of the same.
Donald Trump has some key choices to make.