Thursday, November 10, 2016

Obamacare defenders vow 'total war' . But Republicans have lots of options in dismantling the law.

Politico reports:
Shell-shocked Democrats on Capitol Hill are preparing to make a fight for Obamacare their top priority in the opening days of the Trump administration, with leading advocacy groups ready to wage “total war” to defend President Barack Obama’s universal health care program and his domestic policy legacy.

"We've got the battle of our lifetime ahead of us,” Ron Pollack, executive director of advocacy group Families USA, said the day after Donald Trump was elected on a pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which now covers 22 million people. “We're going to have a huge number of organizations from all across the country that will participate in this effort."

But their options are limited. They have enough votes to block a total repeal of the law on Day One of a Trump administration. But they can’t block Republicans from passing targeted legislation in the coming months, and Trump — like Obama before him — can pick up a pen as early as Jan. 20 and use executive powers to block, change or put on hold key elements of the massive, 6-year-old legislation.
It would too bad for ObamaCare supporters if President Trump decided to "encourage" health insurance companies to drop out of ObamaCare exchanges.