Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Hillary won’t survive another WikiLeaks dump

The New York Post has a new column from John Crudele :
The stock market has been pouting about Trump’s recent surge in the polls for a week.

This is going to be a helluva finish, so let me recap some of my predictions for those of you who aren’t binge- following this election.

I said it a long time ago and I will say it again that I think that Hillary Clinton will be unelectable by Election Day.
There's more:
Many of you may think that Comey’s decision to reopen the e-mail investigation was the ambush I was predicting.

No, the ambush I am expecting has to do with the release of Clinton’s own e-mails in Phase 3 of the leaks.

If I had to guess, the newest releases will contain Hillary Clinton’s personal stuff. Unless WikiLeaks is lying, Phase 3 should come before the weekend. Only then will Clinton be unelectable.
Does WikiLeaks have Hillary's personal e-mails?