Monday, November 14, 2016

Emanuel throws down challenge to Trump on immigration

Crain's Chicago Business reports:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel is sending a message to President-elect Donald Trump on the volatile subject of illegal immigration, and it's more like an extended middle finger than a friendly wave.

In a statement issued this afternoon (see below), Emanuel "reaffirmed Chicago's commitment to being a sanctuary city" for those who have entered the country without the correct papers or overstayed their visa, a subject that in general was of Trump's top concerns in his election campaign.

Indeed, Emanuel added, city phone operators have been given "special instruction to assist anyone with concerns or questions about their status in Chicago or the United States."

Added the mayor, “Chicago has been a city of immigrants since it was founded. We have always welcomed people of all faiths and backgrounds, and while the administration (in Washington) will change, our values and our commitment to inclusion will not."
Is Rahm really serious about this?