Monday, October 31, 2016

Millennial support for Clinton falls in final days of election

The Washington Examiner reports:
Support for Hillary Clinton among millennial voters has shrunk by 6 percentage points in just two weeks, though the Democratic presidential hopeful maintains a significant edge over Donald Trump, according to a USA Today/Rock the Vote poll released Sunday.

Sixty-two percent of likely voters ages 18 to 34 plan to cast their ballot for Clinton in next month's election, down from 68 percent in early October. In the same period, Trump gained a single percentage point. The poll was taken before Friday's announcement by FBI Director James Comey that the agency had reopened its previously closed case into Clinton's handling of classified material.

The former secretary of state has struggled to make inroads with young voters in the same way President Obama did in 2008 and 2012. In recent weeks, her campaign has deployed political figures who remain widely popular among millennials, like Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to bolster support for Clinton.
Woman is takes bribe money via speeches to Goldman Sachs isn't considered too cool with millennials.