Thursday, September 15, 2016

San Jose: Latino groups look to turn Target arrest into voter boon

The San Jose Mercury News reports:
Community leaders are looking to transform the controversy over a man’s arrest while registering voters outside an East San Jose Target store into newfound momentum to boost local Latino election turnout in November.

The strategy could prove to be a clever pivot, if evidenced by a rally Thursday led by the Latino Vote Alliance of Silicon Valley and joined by San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia, outside the same store where alliance co-chair Salvador “Chava” Bustamante was arrested Monday.

Speakers avoided dwelling on Bustamante’s trespass arrest and instead framed it as a catalyst for increasing Latino voter registration and election turnout. As several dozen supporters looked on, speakers aimed to parlay the huge public visibility of Target as a way to draw eyes and ears to their cause.

“Justice will not come until our people are fully integrated into political process,” Bustamante said. “We are willing to be arrested, not once, but as many times as is necessary to assert this fundamental right.”
Got that? Property rights don't matter to emerging socialists.