Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Britain providing ‘safe haven’ to Gaddafi-era figures accused of embezzling millions from Libya

RT reports:
Three figures from the former government of Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi are living safely in Britain despite being wanted in Tripoli for allegedly embezzling millions out of the country.

The three men are on a list of former regime figures wanted by prosecutors in Tripoli for allegedly fleeing the country with assets stolen from the state in 2011.

BuzzFeed News which carried out an investigation says the men have been given safe haven in the UK despite standing accused of laundering millions of pounds using British banks and property deals.

The news website’s investigation found General Ahmed Mahmoud Azwai living in Surrey, one of Britain’s wealthiest counties. It’s claimed he laundered millions through property deals in the Home Counties using offshore companies.

Azwai was reportedly in charge of maintaining Gaddafi’s Scud-B missile stockpile.
Big money.