Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What If the Orlando Murderer Were a Christian?

Dennis Prager reports:
So let's imagine that a gay-hating Christian murdered 49 people and badly injured 53 others in the gay nightclub in Florida. America would be inundated with attacks on religion, Christians, Christianity and the Bible.

This is not theoretical speculation. For example, the mainstream media and other voices on the left regularly cite one family -- literally one family, the Phelps family -- in order to demonstrate how "homophobic" conservative Christians are. Fred Phelps started the Westboro Baptist Church, which has fewer than 40 members, most of which are nine of Phelps' 13 children and some of their children and grandchildren. This gay-hating, Jew-hating, Catholic-hating family represents no group, no ideology and no religion, and is regularly denounced by every Christian denomination, including conservative evangelicals.

Nevertheless, Westboro is frequently cited by the media and LGBT groups as if it represents conservative Christians.

Now, imagine if the nightclub murderer were a Christian who was unaffiliated with the Phelps family. We would be inundated with commentary on the dangers posed by the religious right, fundamentalist Christians, etc.

There are two reasons this is so significant.

First, the left has been waging a war against Christianity. Writers on the left deny and mock this notion, which only illustrates a lack of intellectual honesty.

Why, for example, have companies throughout America felt it necessary to rename Christmas parties "holiday parties"? What holiday other than Christmas is celebrated at these parties? Surely not New Year's Eve. Such parties are always called New Year's Eve parties. And not Hanukkah, because Jewish groups have Hanukkah parties.
The bigotry against Christians, in America, is immense.