Monday, June 27, 2016

Supreme Court: Gun ban extends to domestic abusers

The Hill reports:
The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that reckless domestic assault can qualify as a misdemeanor crime that restricts gun ownership.

In a 6-2 ruling, justices said Congress enacted a federal law to “prohibit domestic abusers convicted under run-of-the-mill misdemeanor assault and battery laws from possessing guns” when it changed the federal ban on gun ownership to include both convicted felons and anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

“In sum, Congress’s definition of a ‘misdemeanor crime of violence’ contains no exclusion for convictions based on reckless behavior,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in delivering the opinion of the court. “A person who assaults another recklessly ‘use[s]’ force, no less than one who carries out that same action knowingly or intentionally.”
Texting during a car accident could mean the end to gun ownership for you!