Thursday, June 02, 2016

NYPD brass don’t trust cops with basic English

The New York Post reports:
The NYPD has banned use of the word “cut” in reports about slashings and stabbings — and laid out painfully obvious definitions for cops to rely on when recording the attacks, The Post has learned.

A memo that went out Friday specifies that a slashing is “a forceful sweeping stroke with an edged weapon that causes a laceration,” while a stabbing is “a thrust or plunging motion with an edged weapon that causes a puncture wound.”

The memo orders cops to indicate which type a victim has suffered.

Cops were dumbfounded by the directive — which comes amid a nearly 11 percent spike in knife attacks this year — with one source saying Commissioner Bill Bratton could use it to obfuscate surging crime rates.
When words lose their meaning.