Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I’m the shooter. It’s me': Gunman called local TV station during attack, station says

The Washington Post reports:
As the deadliest mass shooting in American history unfolded in Orlando early Sunday morning, Matthew Gentili was staffing the phones less than two miles away.

As Omar Mateen terrorized Pulse, a popular gay club, the phones at News 13 began to ring.

Gentili, a producer at the television station — just a five-minute drive from Pulse on South Orange Avenue — spoke to one frightened Floridian after another.

“I was receiving phone calls from viewers saying, ‘What’s going on? What’s happening?'” Gentili told a reporter at his own station Tuesday.

When the phone rang once more at around 2:45 a.m., Gentili answered as he had all night: “News 13, this is Matt.”
Death by Muslim.