The Daily Caller reports:
International human rights organization Free Tibet is urging Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz to end their financial investment in a Chinese-owned company that operates in Tibet.Investments of the New World Order crowd.
In a May 17 letter to Kerry, Free Tibet Director Eleanor Byrne-Rosengren called the Kerry family investment in a Chinese company, called Tibet Water Resources, Ltd. “inappropriate” and encouraged Kerry to “ensure that this investment comes to an end.” The company bottles and sells premium “luxury water” in competition with brands like Evian and Fuji.
“Free Tibet appreciates your personal support for human rights in Tibet,” the group wrote to Kerry, adding “it is, therefore, with concern and urgency that I am contacting you now about the reported Heinz family trust shareholding in Tibet Water Resources Ltd, a Chinese-owned company producing bottled water in the most repressed region of Tibet. I urge you to ensure that this investment comes to an end.”
The controversy erupted May 4 when The Daily Caller News Foundation reported Kerry and his wife have investments in a trust called “HFI Imperial” that consists of equity investments in 12 companies inside the People’s Republic of China, including Tibet Water Resources.