Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Gun safety bill advances in Philadelphia's City Council

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:
A bill that would require the safe storage of guns and ammunition in homes with children passed out of a committee of Philadelphia City Council Wednesday without a word of opposition from gun rights advocates.

But that doesn't mean pushback isn't coming.

Police Capt. Francis Healey, while saying the police department supports the effort, testified that the wording of the bill could prove "problematic and controversial" and that he expects a legal challenge.

"This will be their argument: that this prevents the individual homeowner, from getting access to a loaded firearm quick enough to be useful enough to defend himself or his family," Healey said.

The bill, which was given a favorable recommendation from Council's public safety committee, could be voted on by the full Council as soon as June 16.

The legislation, introduced by Council President Darrell L. Clarke, would require all firearms in homes with children under the age of 18 to be kept unloaded and stored in a locked container, with the ammunition in a separate locked container. The exception would be when the firearm or ammunition is in the "immediate control" of a person with a license to carry.

The gun banners try again.