Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dem: GOP wants shootings to 'continue to happen'

The Washington Examiner reports:
Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., charged Tuesday that the lack of plans to move a gun control bill in the House shows Republicans want mass shootings to keep happening again and again.

Crowley spoke with other House Democrats a day after many Democrats said the House's moment of silence to mark the Orlando tragedy was not enough.

"Nothing, nada, zip," Crowley said when describing what Republicans have done so far. "They would rather these events just continue to happen, I guess."

Crowley said Democrats want the House to pass a bill banning people on a federal no-fly list from owning a gun, but said Republicans have refused.
Comrade Crowley believes only government workers should be able to own handguns. How un-American.