Thursday, May 19, 2016

UMass criticized for too many out-of-state students. The New Majority.

The Boston Globe reports:
The Pioneer Institute is set to issue a report on Thursday highly critical of the University of Massachusetts for admitting too many out-of state students — a charge that prompted a sharp preemptive retort Wednesday from the university, which accused the conservative-leaning think tank of favoring private colleges over public ones.

The report, based on Pioneer research, warns that the UMass system has increased academic selectivity and focused on recruiting outside Massachusetts, thereby making it an unattainable option for many local students.

For the first time, UMass Amherst in 2015 accepted more non-Massachusetts residents than residents — although by just six students.

“All this is making it much tougher for Massachusetts high school graduates to get into UMass Amherst,” said Gregory Sullivan, the former state inspector general and the study’s lead researcher. “UMass Amherst has gotten out of reach for many kids.”
Remember if you criticize Mass. legislators for funding education for out of staters : you are against education according to progressives.