Saturday, May 14, 2016

No One Is Monitoring the Looming Revolution. Salman Khan is the most important revolutionary in education in recorded history.

The Tea Party Economist reports:
The stalwarts of American progressive education would be horrified. The supreme pedagogical winner in the 200-year education marathon is a graduate of M.I.T. and Harvard Business School.

Think about this. Progressive education has been based on control over American education by the central institutions of teacher training and certification, what used to be called "normal schools," but which academically were always below normal academically. They were the teacher colleges that trained armies of narrowly educated young women to teach in tax-supported public schools. Then there are the universities that train teachers in education departments, which are extensions of the government.

We all learned this aphorism early: "He who can, does. He who can't, teaches. He who can't teach, teaches teachers."

Khan has relegated them all to teachers' assistant status. He has no teaching credentials, yet he is providing both the content and the pedagogy of modern education, K-12. He is exporting it around the world.

The educational establishment will never regain control. It's over.
It's cheaper than providing pensions for people who might retire in their 50's.