Monday, April 18, 2016

T pension fund continuing fight to keep records secret

The Boston Globe reports:
The MBTA pension fund is continuing a legal fight to keep its records private, said people with knowledge of the matter.

The attorney for the fund, Carl Valvo, briefed board members at a meeting Friday on “constitutional” reasons for privacy that he intends to make to a judge, the people said.

In a lawsuit brought by The Boston Globe, Suffolk Superior Court Judge Kenneth Salinger ruled in March that the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s pension system records are public. But he allowed the board to make additional arguments against releasing them.

In an interview last week with the Globe, MBTA chief administrator Brian Shortsleeve urged the board not to “spend money fighting transparency.” But the board did not vote to drop the legal challenge, according to several people close to the fund and MBTA.
Hiding from people who pay for those pensions.