Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Success In Math Means Going Outside Public School System. A Liberal Magazine Just Spilled the Beans about K-12 Education .

The American Thinker reports on learning math:
In other words, these superior, successful math students are not in essence attending American public schools. They are going outside of American public schools, to something separate, uncontaminated, and therefore superior.

And why would that be necessary? Because American public schools, for many decades, have been a killing field for mathematical achievement. John Saxon became a legend in the late 1980s for his valiant effort to create instruction that would replace the nonsense epidemic in the schools. The Education Establishment resisted Saxon with all of its considerable resources. These officials had come up with New Math circa 1964 and then Reform Math after 1985. All those bad, and very unpopular, approaches have modulated into Common Core Math. All bunk according to many analysts, but that doesn't mean our Education Establishment willingly lets a smidgen of it go.

Many varieties of "Reform" instruction, which seems to have failure built in, have created the sterile environment that forced brainy kids to go "extracurricular." Typically, that means tutors, math camps, online resources, anywhere they can get the real stuff. The point is, they're not getting it in their local public school.

An article , well worth your time.