Monday, April 04, 2016

Could Republican Convention delegates be bought? Legally, maybe

CNN reports:
Buying votes is illegal. But, it turns out, buying delegates might not be.

This summer's Republican National Convention is shaping up to be an all-out brawl for every delegate's vote -- and legally, that could mean plying some of them with gifts, experts say.

There are federal and state laws prohibiting bribery of elected officials -- and restrictions on campaigns themselves -- but there isn't much on the books governing what private citizens serving as delegates at their parties' conventions can take in exchange for their votes on a nominating ballot. And in a fight between Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and perhaps an alternative not currently in the race, every delegate vote will matter.

"I think the legal term is s*** show," said Ken Gross, an election law specialist at Skadden and former associate general counsel of the Federal Election Commission. "I think it's going to be a circus, to say the least."
Imagine that.