Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why Sanders Could Repeat His Big Michigan Upset In Ohio

TPM reports:

Bernie Sanders’ upset victory in Michigan was a major shock for Hillary Clinton supporters for many reasons -- not the least of which was the prior polling that showed her beating Sander by 20-plus percentage points.

But the perils of public primary polling aside, Sanders’ Michigan win suggests it’s too soon to write the Democratic socialist and his message of political revolution off. Next Tuesday’s Ohio primary will be the next major test for him to prove he has broadened his appeal and there, his attacks on her stance on trade deals may prove equally effective as they were in Michigan.

Michigan’s neighbor to the south shares its industrial heritage, bears a similar demographic mix, and even the geography of Ohio Democratic voters resembles Michigan's. Ohio presents the same sort of electoral conditions as Michigan, and those conditions could prove just as receptive to Sanders’ criticism of trade deals.

“It has a lot of the same industry and it has a lot of the same feel of jobs being outsourced, and good jobs going away,” Michael Parkin, an associate professor of politics at Oberlin College, told TPM.
Comrade Sanders: making socialism mainstream in today's Democrat party.