Tuesday, March 15, 2016

NYT Visits Trump Campaign Office, Amazed By Presence Of Non-Whites

The Daily Caller reports:
The New York Times published a profile of a Donald Trump campaign office in Florida, expressing astonishment at the number of non-white people and immigrants working in it.

Recently, the media have honed in on the support Trump has received from white supremacists, and the various positions he takes — such as opposition to illegal immigration — that are allegedly racist callbacks to the days of the Ku Klux Klan.

But when the Times profiled a Trump campaign office in Tampa, Florida, it found a diverse group of Trump supporters that included numerous immigrants.

“For a campaign frequently depicted as offering a rallying point for the white working class, the people volunteering to help Mr. Trump here are noteworthy for their ethnic diversity,” the report says. “They include a young woman who recently arrived from Peru; an immigrant from the Philippines; a 70-year-old Lakota Indian; a teenage son of Russian immigrants; a Mexican-American.”

A Trump Campaign Office probably looks more like America than the New York Times newsroom.