Saturday, March 19, 2016

IRS back taxes may mean really getting grounded

CNBC reports:
U.S. citizens who owe money to the tax man might soon be barred from flying out of the country — or even out of town.

Two separate federal government policies are converging to make traveling difficult for travelers in the unspecified future. Buried in December's Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act is a provision that gives the IRS the right to have the State Department deny or revoke the passport of a taxpayer that has a delinquent federal tax bill of at least $50,000.

Meanwhile, another law is currently being implemented that may mean tax delinquents flying domestically could get caught up in the IRS dragnet: REAL ID — the antiterrorism measure that sets minimum standards for states that issue licenses and state identification.
Big Brother is watching you.