Thursday, March 24, 2016

Democrats' cash crunch hurts bid to win Senate

Politico reports:
Democrats have expanded the Senate map this year, recruiting viable candidates in states no one expected them to compete in, such as Arizona and Missouri, and arguably positioning themselves to ride an anti-Trump wave to the Senate majority.

But there’s one big problem: Money.

Republicans are outspending Democrats in key races so far. There’s little indication that Democrats will close the gap as Election Day approaches, and signs the chasm will grow thanks to the longer roster of deep-pocketed outside groups on the right. That’s triggered growing anxiety within the minority party about relinquishing an opening to net the four or five seats they need to recapture the Senate.

Outside Republican groups have jumped to an early lead in spending on Senate races in key swing states like New Hampshire and Ohio.

Check out Chuck Schumer's comments.