“Social Security” is another Orwellian lie. It is, in fact, antisocial and insecure. It weakened the age-old bond between parent and child. As Allan Carlson writes about Sweden: “The rise of the welfare state can be written as the steady transfer of the ‘dependency’ function from the family to the state. . .”[4] In olden days, older parents would live with their children and help raise the grandchildren. Now, adult children think nothing of moving thousands of miles away from their parents and then easing them into government-funded nursing homes where they are drugged into oblivion with Medicaid-funded drugs providing huge profits to Big Pharma. FDR and LBJ in three generations were able to undo the family structure built up over the eons. The kids are in daycare, the grandparents are in nursing homes and the adults are tax slaves for the progressive state. What a country!An article , well worth your time.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
A Primer on Socialism Security
James Ostrowski explains the Welfare State: