Thursday, February 11, 2016

Illegals Bring Their Fat Lifestyle to California: Though California has the fifth-lowest adult obesity rate in the nation, it has the highest obesity rate among low-income kids ages 2 to 4, with nearly 17% who are obese. Approximately 15% of all California kids are obese, according to national data.

The L.A. Times reports:
Though California has the fifth-lowest adult obesity rate in the nation, it has the highest obesity rate among low-income kids ages 2 to 4, with nearly 17% who are obese. Approximately 15% of all California kids are obese, according to national data.
Illegals : driving up health care costs one fatty kid at a time. A glimpse of your future diabetes and high blood pressure population. A future President Trump could limit immigration from obese countries in the name of national security. If all immigrants were has healthy as Melania Trump, we'd be a much healthier country.