Friday, January 22, 2016

Gallup: Obama on Pace for One of Lowest Average Approval Ratings

Gallup reports:
Obama has averaged 47.3% job approval during his presidency to date. Without substantial improvement during his final year in office, his full-term approval average will rank near the bottom of the list for post-World War II presidents, along with Truman (45.4%), Jimmy Carter (45.5%) and Gerald Ford (47.2%).

One factor working against Obama was governing when the U.S. economy struggled to emerge from the Great Recession. There have also been few "rally" events during his presidency, apart from the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden. These are usually international events that lead to an increase in support for the president. A third factor handicapping Obama is being president in an era of intense partisanship. While presidents' approval ratings have always been higher from supporters of their own party than from supporters of the opposition, the gap between these ratings has risen to new extremes under Obama.
Imagine that.