Friday, December 11, 2015

Establishment Mouthpiece Peter Beinart Wants to Censor Ann Coulter.

The National Journal reports:
Coulter is not a mar­gin­al fig­ure. Since 9/11, ac­cord­ing to the lib­er­al group Me­dia Mat­ters, she’s ap­peared at least 192 times on CNN and MS­N­BC and a whop­ping 450 times on Fox. In that time, ac­cord­ing to Book­S­can, she’s sold 2.3 mil­lion books, more than four times many as Dav­id Brooks. A few years ago, a sym­path­et­ic pro­filer called her “the Rush Limbaugh of the prin­ted word … the most suc­cess­ful con­ser­vat­ive writer work­ing today. … No 21st cen­tury con­ser­vat­ive writer—male or fe­male—comes even close.”
Imagine that.