Saturday, December 26, 2015

Environmentalists Horde Cash Like Scrooge Over Christmas

The Daily Caller reports:
The more than 26,500 American environmental groups collected more than $10.5 billion in 2014 alone, according to Giving USA Institute. The Institute also notes the amount of money donated to environmental groups is growing faster than for any other “charity.”

Meanwhile, opposition to global warming activism is the Tiny Tim to alarmist Scrooges. The 91 conservative think tanks only raised $46 million for global warming or environmental related projects according to analysis by Forbes. That’s almost six times less than Greenpeace alone and that money isn’t diluted by addressing other issues like economic policy or health care policy.

Greenpeace has heavily criticized Koch Industries for allegedly sending a mere $79 million to anti-alarmist groups since 1997. Greenpeace took in three times that amount in a single year.

However, it isn’t just green groups. Individuals can also make huge amounts of money as environmental activists.

Comrade Sanders and Comrade Clinton hope you don't notice this.