Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Cruz blasts 'alarmists' at climate change hearing

The Hill reports:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a presidential hopeful, used a Senate hearing Tuesday to castigate environmentalists, Democrats and other “alarmists” on climate change.

Cruz, one of the most ardent deniers of climate change among the field of presidential candidates, repeatedly said that his opponents have been wrong over and over again in their predictions about climate change.

“I am the son of two mathematicians,” Cruz said in his opening statements. “I believe that public policy should follow the actual science and the actual data and evidence, and not political and partisan claims that run contrary to the science and data and analysis.”

Cruz told the story of a scientific ship that got stuck in Antarctic ice in the summer of 2013, and said that climate “alarmists” predicted that there would be no ice that year.
Ted Cruz takes on a religion.