Friday, November 13, 2015

Yale Professor Who's A Muslim: Having Speakers Who Criticize Islam on Campus " might marginalize Muslim students "

The Washington Post has a long op-ed piece from Zareena Grewal who a professor at Yale and is a Muslim:
A popular misconception of Yale University students, and Yale students of color in particular, has solidified in the media this week: They’re so fragile, over-sensitive and entitled that they can’t handle an intense exchange of ideas or an off-hand personal slight. They’ve been cast as politically correct, coddled millennials — “crybullies” who just need to grow up.

Yes, these students — my students — are making demands. But not because they’re pampered or looking for shelter from opposing points of view. It’s because the Yale they’ve found isn’t the Yale they were looking for.
Got that? What's stopping the special snowflakes from going somewhere else? Comrade Grewal also isn't a big believer in free speech:
Though I’m a Muslim, in 2009, I opposed the decision by the Yale University Press to censor the infamous Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad — I was offended, but did not believe the cartoons should be suppressed. At the same time, I was disappointed when a colleague chose to honor the cartoonist, who had depicted the prophet as a terrorist, with a special invitation to our campus, casting aside regard for how such an invitation might marginalize Muslim students who felt deeply betrayed.
No word yet on who else Comrade Grewal doesn't want on campus because it "might marginalize Muslim students".