Wednesday, November 04, 2015

The New York Times Publishes Op-Ed Calling For Limiting Free Speech From Katie Byron a recent graduate of Brown University, where she served as a member of the Sexual Assault Task Force

The New York Times publishes an op-ed piece from Katie Byron ,who is a recent graduate of Brown University, where she served as a member of the Sexual Assault Task Force . Ms. Byron wants to limit free speech:
One-third of female students in my graduating class who responded to the Association of American Universities’ Campus Climate Survey reported being sexually assaulted during college. For these students, sexual violence isn’t a difficult conversation, it’s their life. They are constantly balancing their healing and their education, frequently while navigating a campus that they share with their assailant. It’s unreasonable to expect student survivors to leave their personal experiences at the classroom door. Trauma affects how students learn and academic discussions about trauma and violence should take this into consideration.
Her 33% number is kind of questionable but if it isn't : your daughter should be going to Reynolds Online University where no women ever get raped. You can always trust the New York Times to publish thought provoking articles , after all Katie Byron is an expert on sexual assault and unwanted attention from males on campus. Newsalert readers please don't send us nasty e-mails comparing the women of Brown University to Alabama's Alpha Phi sorority . Everyone knows Brown University has the most beautiful women in America, that must constantly fight off unwanted attention from males.