Wednesday, November 25, 2015

FDR : The Racist Who Hated Blacks And Asians

The Boston Globe reports on FDR the racist:
In 1942, over 100,000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated across 10 military centers after Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an Executive Order authorizing the internment of those “threatening the war effort,” mostly those of Japanese ancestry. Two thirds of the Japanese interned at Manzanar, the most famous of these camps, were American citizens by birth.

FDR’s office also reportedly sent invitations to the White House to white athletes following the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games—four-time gold medal winner Jesse Owens never got the invite.

“Hitler didn’t snub me—it was our president who snubbed me,” Owens said while stumping for Alf Landon, the Republican candidate running against Roosevelt in 1936. “The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”
Just a reminder , the next time your tenured professor tells you FDR was a great President.