Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Grand Bargain, but Deal Is Still a Victory for Obama. NYT Calls Keeping the Lights On A Big Victory for Obama Regime.

The New York Times reports:
The budget agreement struck late Monday between the White House and Congress hands President Obama a clear victory, vindicating his hard line this year against spending limits that he argued were a drag on the economy and buying him freedom for the final 14 months of his term from the fiscal dysfunction that has plagued his presidency.

The deal is the policy equivalent of keeping the lights on — hardly the stuff of a bold fiscal legacy. But it achieves the main objective of his 2016 budget: to break free of the spending shackles he agreed to when he signed the Budget Control Act of 2011, an outcome, the president allowed Tuesday, that he could be “pretty happy” about.
The New York Times (Democrats-Obama).