Monday, October 19, 2015

Judge refuses to let House ObamaCare suit move to another court

The Hill reports:
A federal judge on Monday denied a request from the Obama administration to immediately appeal a ruling in House Republicans’ ObamaCare lawsuit.

The district court judge, Rosemary Collyer, last month gave House Republicans a big win by ruling that their lawsuit against the administration could move forward.

The Obama administration strongly objected to that decision and asked for the ability to immediately appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. But on Monday, Collyer denied that request, deciding that she will first decide the substance of the case before the administration will have the ability to appeal.

Collyer wrote that a ruling on the substance of the case would not take much more time — “a matter of months” — and that the appeals court “will be best served by reviewing a complete record” on both the standing issue and the substance of the case.
The Obama regime loses one in court.