Monday, October 19, 2015

Hundreds of Obama bundlers missing from Clinton's elite fundraising ranks

USA Today reports:
Hundreds of wealthy Democrats who raised money for President Obama’s re-election have not yet joined the top fundraising ranks of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, raising hopes among some of Vice President Biden’s supporters that there remains a path for his late entry into the race.

Just 76, or less than 10%, of the 833 individuals who collected political cash for the 2012 Obama-Biden campaign are listed among Clinton’s “Hillblazers,” her campaign’s designation for people who already have bundled together at least $100,000 on her behalf, a USA TODAY analysis of Clinton’s newly updated fundraiser list shows.

Biden loyalists have sought to assure his supporters in recent days that there is still a viable route to the nomination, despite Clinton’s commanding debate performance Tuesday in Las Vegas and her early fundraising dominance over the 2016 field.

In a letter Thursday to Biden’s political network, one of his longest-serving advisers, former Delaware senator Ted Kaufman, pledged an “optimistic campaign” from Biden should he seek the presidency. Kaufman suggested that Biden was close to a decision.
Joe Biden : living a dream.