Saturday, October 03, 2015

Harvard’s Endowment Is Bigger Than Half the World’s Economies: While Larry Summers Talks About Inequality and the Ability For The Rich to Pay.

The Boston Globe reported this last September:
Harvard University’s largest-in-the-country endowment saw returns of 15.4 percent in the last year, and now stands at $36.4 billion. That’s a lot of money.

Just for fun, here’s a look at how that compares to gross domestic products worldwide. According to the International Monetary Fund, that $36.4 billion would settle in between Jordan and Latvia—about smack dab in the middle of the world’s economies.
Yet, Larry Summers is talking about inequality!
Former University President Lawrence H. Summers argued for concrete public policy solutions to economic inequality in front of a crowded audience Thursday evening at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum.
Summers on Economic Inclusivity

In a discussion called “The Challenge of Inclusion” with moderator John Authers, senior investment columnist for The Financial Times, Summers recommended policies such as progressive taxation and infrastructure investment. He said the American government should increase taxation on the wealthiest, not solely for redistribution purposes, but also to enable greater social mobility.
It's hard not notice that those calling for higher taxes have a connection with institutions that don't pay taxes. Just a reminder. When does Harvard want to start paying its' "fair share " ?