Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Goldman Sachs to pay $50M fine over documents scandal

The New York Post reports:
This time, the revolving door smacked Goldman Sachs on the backside.

Lloyd Blankfein’s bank is expected to pay a roughly $50 million fine and an ex-banker is expected to plead guilty to federal criminal charges that he took confidential documents from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The Post has learned.

The civil penalties against Goldman are among the harshest ever levied by New York. The settlement is being ironed out between Goldman and the Department of Financial Services.

The criminal charges against the ex-banker, Rohit Bansal, who joined Goldman in July 2014, and the source of the documents, New York Fed banker Jason Gross, will be filed by Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara, according to a person briefed on the talks.
Goldman Sachs understands that Barack Obama (Democrat-Goldman Sachs) is "influenced" by campaign contributions.