Saturday, October 31, 2015

Flashback. Progressive Economist Richard T. Ely Calls Negroes "Grownup Children, and should be treated as such"

Flashback. Progressive economist Richard T. Ely didn't think too much about blacks. Ely felt they were inferior. Here's an article from Century magazine in which Richard T. Ely gets racial:
We may instance the negroes, who are for the most part grownup children , and should be treated as such.
It appears Richard T. Ely felt blacks were genetically inferior to whites. Just a reminder, this wasn't an ordinary racist crackpot saying this: it was the author of America's best selling textbook on economics between World War 1 and World War 2. Nothing is so disturbing as looking at the origins and intentions of the welfare state creators. You'll want to read this book from Princeton University Press on Richart T. Ely and other "illiberal reformers".