Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Donald Trump: Economic bubble about to burst

The Hill reports:
Trump also accused Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen of keeping interest rates low in order to shield Obama from having to leave office during a recession.

“She’s keeping the economy going, barely,” Trump said. “The reason they’re keeping the interest rate down is Obama doesn’t want to have a recession-slash-depression during his administration.”

Federal Reserve policymakers are expected in the coming months to raise the interest rate, which has remained at zero percent since the 2008 crisis in an effort to stifle economic growth.

“You know who gets hurt the most? People who practice the American dream and did what should have been the right way — the people that went through 40 years of their life and saved a hundred dollars every week [in the bank],” Trump said.

He paused, shaking his head before adding: “They worked all their lives to save and now what happens is they’re being forced into an inflated stock market and at some point they’ll get wiped out.”
The Donald tells a little bit too much truth for many to handle.