Sunday, September 27, 2015

Rep. Luis "Gerrymandered " Gutierrez Has A Loving Goodbye For John Boehner. The Congressman For Illegals Is Sad The GOP Establishment Tool is Leaving.

Illinois Review reports on Rep. Luis Gutierrez (Democrat-Illegals Not Fond of Speaking English):

“First, I want to thank Speaker Boehner for his many years of service to his country and to the House of Representatives. He is a good and decent man and someone for whom I have a lot of affection. We do not agree on many issues and I disagree with almost everything his Caucus does, but the Speaker has been in a very difficult position for years.

"What his Caucus wants and what the Speaker and the country want are almost always in conflict. It cannot be easy for a decent man to be the head of what is becoming the New Know-Nothing Party of anti-immigrant policies and intolerance."

Will Congressman Gutierrez's career end like many Illinois politicians? Stay tuned, Comrade Gutierrez used to be a Chicago Alderman.