Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Shrimp Boy, Derf, Mayor Lee Among Players in San Francisco Corruption Probe

Slate reports:

Documents filed Tuesday in federal court in California by defense attorneys for Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow make a number of explosive allegations against elected officials in San Francisco, accusing prosecutors of protecting "bottom feeding political types" who have allegedly escaped punishment after engaging in corruption uncovered by the investigation into Shrimp Boy's criminal enterprise.

The San Francisco Examiner reports that Chow's attorneys have asked for the case against him to be dropped, claiming federal authorities have engaged in "selective prosecution" by bringing charges against Chow while ignoring FBI evidence that implicates a number of government actors, including San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.

The great moments of Blue America. We'll bet a lot of big city Mayors miss Eric "see no corruption if you hire the right law firm" Holder .