Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Rep. DeLauro Pushes for Gov't Assisted 24/7 Child Care . Comrade DeLauro Wants Socialism Right Now.

CNS News reports on Comrade DeLauro:
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) has been promoting federal government child care assistance “that expands with need,” focusing on 24 hour availability and pay of at least $15 an hour for child care workers.

DeLauro was part of an event last week at Sleeping Giant Day Care in Connecticut, where she discussed her support for a resolution on universal child care.

“I’m proud to add my name to a resolution supported by SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” DeLauro says in a video released Monday by the SEIU.

“We need to make affordable child care a right for all working families, that means creating a system that makes child care affordable.”
Socialism update from one important Democrat party member.