Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) has been promoting federal government child care assistance “that expands with need,” focusing on 24 hour availability and pay of at least $15 an hour for child care workers.Socialism update from one important Democrat party member.
DeLauro was part of an event last week at Sleeping Giant Day Care in Connecticut, where she discussed her support for a resolution on universal child care.
“I’m proud to add my name to a resolution supported by SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” DeLauro says in a video released Monday by the SEIU.
“We need to make affordable child care a right for all working families, that means creating a system that makes child care affordable.”
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Rep. DeLauro Pushes for Gov't Assisted 24/7 Child Care . Comrade DeLauro Wants Socialism Right Now.
CNS News reports on Comrade DeLauro: