Saturday, August 22, 2015

Comrade Bernie Sanders Attacks The Koch Brothers For Having Too Much Money : ' For the life of me, I will never understand how a family like the Koch brothers, worth $85 billion, apparently think that's not enough money.'

Fox News reports on Comrade Bernie Sanders:
The Vermont senator, who is pushing former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton from the left, called for publicly financed elections that would allow "anyone" to seek public office without "begging from billionaires."

And he pledged that his nominees to the Supreme Court would have to promise themselves that they would try to overturn the Citizens United decision that allows corporations, unions and wealthy individuals to spend unlimited sums in campaigns.

"We live in a nation in which a handful of very, very wealthy people have extraordinary power over our economy and our political life and the media," Sanders told the boisterous crowd at a convention center near Charleston.

"They are very, very powerful and many of them are extremely greedy," he continued. "For the life of me, I will never understand how a family like the Koch brothers, worth $85 billion, apparently think that's not enough money."
Speaking of greed: why has Comrade Sanders never had a real job instead of living of the taxpayers? Why is Comrade Sanders so greedy?