During an interview with Chris Matthews on Hardball, Ted Cruz called out the Democratic Party for using a lot of rhetoric about opposing big business and big money, while at the same time supporting welfare and corporate cronyism.Chris Matthews put on the spot.
Cruz said that amongst all the Democrats and Republicans indulging in this practice, Bernie Sanders is the only 2016 candidate who admits that he’s a socialist as a way of identifying with frustration about such practices amongst voters.
“The difference is I think there are an awful lot of crass in the United States Senate, whose policies are every bit as liberal or socialist but they don’t admit it,” Cruz said. He went on to describe how he was enjoying watching Hillary Clinton trying to play up the same points as Sanders, while at the same time, trying to not appear like too much of a socialist herself.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Ted Cruz: Bernie Sanders Is the Only Democrat Standing Up to Corporate Cronyism
Mediaite reports: