Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Strongman Barack Obama: Why America needs the Export-Import Bank

The Boston Globe has an op-ed from anti-free marketeer Barack Obama:
As of Wednesday, the authorization for the US Export-Import Bank, or “Ex-Im,” has expired. The bank’s sole mission is to support American jobs by increasing our exports. That’s it. It helps small businesses go global. It helps American entrepreneurs take that next step. Plus, it costs the taxpayers nothing — all its money comes from its own operations. In fact, it actually generates money for the taxpayer. That’s how cost-effective it is.

Ex-Im has provided support to businesses and boosted exports in all fifty states, as a state-by-state analysis my administration put out yesterday shows. Over the last six years, Ex-Im supported $3 billion of exports from 134 businesses in Massachusetts. But because Congress has failed to act, the bank’s mandate is running out. That means it’ll lose the authority to finance new exports in the future. Starting Wednesday, businesses that need additional help shipping their Made-in-America products around the globe will lose that help. And that means lost sales, lost customers, and lost opportunities.
In Obama's alternative world GE and Boeing are "small businesses go global."