Thursday, July 02, 2015

Chicago Teachers Union Responds to Fraudster Rahm Emanuel's Newest Accounting Scam.

The Chicago Teachers Union responds to fraudster and Fannie Mae accounting scamster Rahm Emanuel on his coming budget cuts:
Despite claiming over $900 million in aggregate cuts ‘away’ from schools over 4 years, CPS has actually increased spending on central office salaries since 2011, by $22 million. CPS has not only held the line against budget cuts to its central offices involved in standardized-testing (Department of Assessment), expanding school choice (Innovation and Incubation) and test-based management of schools (Accountability), but they’ve increased spending on staff by 11% since 2011. The district spends nearly $300 million a year on interest on debt owed to the banks, and pays millions a year in fees to banks just to be able to sell more debt to the bond market.
The great moments of government schools.