Thursday, June 04, 2015

The War of the Leftists: TPM Slams The Delicate Snowflakes of Northwestern University

TPM reports:

“Lord, protect me from my friends, I can take care of my enemies,” Lil Wayne raps on his song “Scarface.” It’s a quote that comes to mind watching the Laura Kipnis debacle at Northwestern unfold in a big, public way. Watching it go down, it’s becoming clear that a handful of overwrought feminists may do what a million Wall Street Journal editorials could not, which is destroy all the good work that is being done using Title IX to combat rape and sexual abuse on campus

To recap, for those who don’t follow the high dramatics of academic life: Kipnis, who is a popular writer as well as a professor, wrote a piece for the Chronicle of Higher Education decrying the supposed “sexual paranoia” controlling modern campuses. Two graduate students then filed a Title IX complaint against Kipnis, arguing that her piece constituted retaliation against students for reporting sexual assault. Kipnis wrote another essay, portraying the investigation as a Kafka-esque nightmare of injustice. Kipnis was then cleared of the charges, but it’s clear the whole process was terrifying. Now many professors are wondering who is going to be the next victim.

Good work, everyone involved in the Get Laura Kipnis campaign. You made your enemy a martyr. Worse, a bunch of liberals who otherwise were fully supportive of feminist efforts to fight sexual abuse on campus now think Title IX is cover for some censorious re-education efforts.
The war against free speech.